Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Conducting our first computational experiment with CODAP

Now let's go ahead and conduct our fist computational experiment within CODAP!!!

Note: If you do not remember the exact details, you can see your initial experimental design below the CODAP window.

Also note: If you changed your mind after the classroom discussion, feel free to make changes to your experimental design.

A final note: Do not forget to drag variable names to the axes of your plot widget as you did in the Page 2.


Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

In the next page, you are going to conduct your first computational experiment. To keep things simple in this lesson, you will design an experiment for a pre-determined research question:

Dependent variable: (P)ressure
Independent variable: (N) umber of particles
Research question:

Is there any mathematical relationship between these two variables?

If yes, what is the nature of this relationship?


When designing your first computational experiment using the table above, you should have the following considerations in mind

  1. Collect sufficient number of data points to find a reliable answer to the research question.
  2. Test different values for the independent variable (N) to find a reliable answer to the research question (min. 5 different values).
    1. Enter each value for independent variable in a new row.
    2. Add more rows by clicking any of the the   buttons.
  3. Design an experiment that can be practically conducted within CODAP.

Note: You will run this experiment within the CODAP workbench in the next page.


Please answer the questions below.

Did you make any changes to your initial experimental design after the classroom discussion? If yes, explain briefly.

You collected 3 data points by hand, 6 data points within CODAP as a pre-experiment, and (hopefully) many more data points during your actual experiment. 

Can you summarize the result of your experiment verbally? What is your finding? Is there a relationship between your dependent variable (Pressure) and your independent variable (Number of Particules)? (min 2. sentences)

It is important for you to save your CODAP experiment because we will do more work on our datasets in the next page. You can do it as follows:

  1. Click the hamburger menu () icon on he top-left corner of the CODAP window.
  2. Click Save ().
  3. Choose the Local File option ()
  4. Click Download ().


Upload your CODAP file using the "Browse..." button below.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.